We've created the largest library of medication education videos. Designed by pharmacists, our patient friendly video library was created to increase health literacy and ultimately improve outcomes.

The Video Library

Our library is medications specific

  • Covering over 90% of commonly dispensed medications, administered, specialty meds, along with health conditions and administration videos.

All videos are:

  • Available in both English and Spanish
  • Created at a 5th-grade reading level
  • Average about two minutes in length
  • Professionally produced for enterprise quality

Our content is not sponsored by any brand or manufacturer and we do not advertise on our videos in order to keep the content focused on unbiased, evidence-based information and to drive trust between the patient and their healthcare providers.


Total Videos 

0 Medications
0 Specialty Medications
0 Administration
0 Health Conditions

How do we create our content?

  • Video scripts are written and reviewed by a team of Pharmacists
  • Content is also reviewed by non-healthcare professionals to ensure it’s easy to understand
  • Information comes directly from FDA approved package inserts
  • Entire library is reviewed every year
  • New medication videos are added to the library every quarter
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